6b.Corrections additions to 1st edition: pages 58, 59 and pages 102, 103

Heidi and Yugoslavia daughter

Page 103, bottom left photo shows 2 sizes of Heidi. The larger girl in the photo has been sold with the grandfather in the past on eBay as Heidi. At the time of my book first publishing, that was the only way that I had seen her. Since publication I have received photos and emails from a three collectors who had her with the Yugoslavian lady as her daughter. One collector said; “My dolls came from my mother, who bought them from a lady who came to our door when we lived in Germany in the early 1950’s. My mother remembers them being together and she would not have been likely to re-position them differently from when she bought them. In all our moves since then, they have always been wrapped together just as they are. So my thought is that they probably go together.”

Page 25 of the first edition shows a page from a booklet with a list of the “Costume Dolls”. That list includes “Yugo-Slavian Mother and Daughter”.  I had never knowingly seen the daughter before. Based on the list and several other collectors, I am prepared to say that I believe that the larger girl is actually the Yugoslavian daughter and not a larger Heidi.  They do have the same lace trim and thin green thread straps. If any information to prove otherwise comes forth, I will post it.

Another interesting note: Yugoslavian lady’s eyes have been brown in all the ones that I have seen and can either be looking to her left or her right. The girls’ eyes have been brown or blue and again, are looking either to her left or her right. In the two pairs that have always been together, the mother and the daughter are not looking at each other.

My larger “Heidi” and grandfather shown on page 103 in the photo with the smaller Heidi and Grandfather came in a large collection that I bought that was originally purchased in 1957-58 in Germany, most likely from Edith. That same collection included a Yugoslavia Lady, shown on page 59. I have now put the girl and the lady together on page 59 and removed the girl from page 103.


PG 58PAGE 59   Here is a copy of the revised text for page 102.

pg 102


I could not get page 103 to scan so I took a photo of the page.


pg 103





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